Aground Wiki

In order to craft Structures, you first need to obtain Blueprint blueprints by purchasing them, completing quests or discovering them in chests. With enough materials in the inventory or storehouse, select the blueprint and move the outline of the building until it shows green. Attempting to place when red will fail, but provide a message with the details. Instructions to obtain them are in the lower part of this page.

To dismantle a building, retrieving some of the materials, stand in front of it and select the dismantle blueprint. This only works on structures for which you already have blueprints. To dismantle Magic structures, they need to be activated and uprooted to retrieve the Magic Seeds.

Note that the AI markets and the Cafeteria are different from the ones already built in the Colony Ship, so you can only dismantle the ones that you yourself build.

List of Blueprints[]

Blueprint Resources Use
Dismantle - Dismantle structures
Hut 16 Wood Recover Stamina; Save game
House 5 Wood
5 Coal
2 Sulfur
2 Quartz
Upgrades hut. Required for House Kitchen. Recover Health, as well as Stamina. Requires power to restore health, but you'll still recover Stamina and Save if there's no power. Also changes the appearance of most Starting Island structures and NPCs, and improves NPCs.
Space House 1 Hi-Tech Parts

2 Chromium

5 Silicon

5 Titanium

Upgrades House, Refills Power, Stamina, Health, doesn't need power. Also changes appearance of most other starting island structures and NPCs, and improves NPCs. The Space House, and the starting island structures that the Space House changes the appearance of, are immune to the Bomber Ship's bombs.
Storehouse 16 Wood
8 Berries
Store all items; Max one main storage per location.
Barn 30 Wood Manage farms
Pen 8 Wood Farming livestock. One animal per pen.
Wyrm Pen 10 Steel Bar Farm more creatures; Capacity 2; Can be placed underground.
Kitchen 20 Wood
20 Coal
Craft food, requires time and fuel, either wood or coal, to operate
Kitchen Upgrade 10 Wood
10 Steel Bar
Craft more food recipes
House Kitchen 5 Wood
5 Coal
2 Sulfur
2 Quartz
Further upgrades kitchen to make more recipes and cook food instantly; Must be placed adjacent (on right) to House, no longer requires fuel, but does require power to function, unless it's attached to a space house
Smelter 15 Coal Craft metal bars from ore, requires time and fuel, either wood or coal, to operate
Workshop 5 Wood
5 Iron Bar
Craft basic wood, iron and steel items
Laboratory 5 Dragonblood Craft potions
Dock 20 Wood
5 Cloth
5 Net
Craft boats, net, fishing rod
Elevator 2 Silicon
2 Titanium
10 Steel Bar
1 Chest
Temporary storage, can be transferred to main storage, can move down from starting location. Requires power to move lift
Factory 15 Coal
10 Sulfur
4 Quartz
Crafting better items, including all items from workshop and smelter, requires power.
Factory Upgrade 1 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Steel Bar
Adds better mechanical items to Factory
O2 Generator 4 Titanium
1 Hi-Tech Parts
1 Silicon
Replenishes UIO2 Oxygen reserves used underwater and on planets without atmosphere like Unoiks 428b.
Surgery Lab 1 Hi-Tech Parts
5 Steel Bar
5 Silicon
1 Uranium
Change appearance; Craft Cyborg implants and mecha wyrm helm; Create Diode Wolf and Mecha Wyrm
Power Plant 10 Steel Bar
5 Titanium
Powers structures; Craft and recharge Batteries. Requires coal or refined oil as fuel to function. Can place and adult dragon to fuel, must be fed to serve this function.
Nuclear Plant 10 Steel Bar
5 Titanium
5 Silicon
Upgrades Power Plant to use Uranium, and craft Nuclear Missiles and Nuclear Generators.
Powerline 5 Wood
5 Silicon
Transfer power (similar to cables), placed on surface. Can overlap Powerline.
Electric Lamp 2 Silicon

2 Steel Bars

1 Titanium

Creates light around it. Has different form which installed on the ground and underground.
Bunker 16 Steel Bar
2 Silicon
Underground House
Bunker Depot 16 Steel Bar
2 Silicon
Underground Storehouse
Bunker Kitchen 16 Steel Bar
2 Silicon
Same as House Kitchen, place next to bunker
Hydroponics 16 Steel Bar
2 Silicon
Same as normal seeds, except can be placed anywhere. Requires power to function
Bunker Farm 1 Hi-Tech Parts
16 Steel Bar
2 Silicon
Manages Hydroponics
Warehouse 40 Wood
10 Cloth
10 Net
Combines Storehouse and Dock
Airport 1 Hi-Tech Parts
20 Steel Bar
5 Silicon
1 Uranium
Craft Jets and Missiles
Bunker Factory 1 Hi-Tech Parts
16 Steel Bar
2 Silicon
Underground Upgraded Factory
Sub Pen 16 Steel Bar
6 Silicon
2 Uranium
Craft Sub and Torpedoes, does not need power, replenishes Sub power instantly, can transfer items between sub and main storage
Ship Dock 50 Titanium
2 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Silicon
Dock Spaceships; Transfer items; Craft Fighter Escort; can connect to space modules on the right; automatically repairs compatible spaceships like Fighter Escorts, Mobile Labs, and Mecha Dragon Ships once you park and enter the Ship Dock.
Connector Module 8 Titanium
1 Hi-Tech Parts
2 Silicon
Connects space Modules horizontally and vertically
Small Module 8 Titanium
1 Hi-Tech Parts
2 Silicon
Small (4x2) space Module; Horizontal connection only
Large Module 40 Titanium
1 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Silicon
Horizontal connection only
X-Large Module 60 Titanium
1 Hi-Tech Parts
15 Silicon
Horizontal and vertical connection
Vending Machine 1 Hi-Tech Parts
8 Steel Bar
8 Silicon
Shooter Arcade 1 Hi-tech Parts

2 Steel Bar

2 Silicon

Plays the Shooter minigame
Platformer Arcade 1 Hi-tech Parts

2 Steel Bar

2 Silicon

Plays the Platformer minigame
Polymer Assembler 2 Hi-Tech Parts
8 Titanium
4 Silicon
Creates Polymer Paper for Blueprints
Blueprint Printer 2 Hi-Tech Parts
8 Titanium
4 Silicon
Create Blueprints.
Advanced Lab 1 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Steel Bar
10 Silicon
2 Uranium
High tech crafting
Drone Factory 2 Hi-Tech Parts
25 Steel Bar
4 Silicon
1 AI Core
Craft Drones, same as advanced lab
Particle Accelerator 10 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Titanium
10 Silicon
Turn Uranium into Exotic Matter
Teleportal 1 Hi-Tech Parts
5 Steel Bar
5 Silicon
1 Uranium
Teleport between portals in the same system, requires power to function
Interstellar Teleportal 10 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Titanium
10 Silicon
Teleport between systems; uses Exotic Matter. Can't be installed at enemy HQ. requires power to function
AI Mineral Market 2 AI Cores

2 Hi-Tech Parts

8 Chromium

8 Silicon

Trading, uses power
AI Weapon Market 2 AI Cores

2 Hi-Tech Parts

8 Chromium

8 Silicon

Trading, uses power
AI Cafeteria and Food Market 4 AI Cores

4 Hi-Tech Parts

8 Chromium

8 Silicon

Trading and Cafeteria, uses power
Terraformer 5 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Titanium
8 Silicon
5 Chromium
Creates fertile surfaces, provides oxygen while running; uses Exotic Matter and Exotic Gas
Exo Factory 5 Hi-Tech Parts
10 Titanium
8 Silicon
5 Chromium
Craft exotic gear and vehicles
Colony Ship Exo Factory 5 Chromium

3 Hi-Tech Parts

3 AI Cores

Combination of Exo Factory and Drone Factory

How to obtain[]

Icon Name Locations Cost
Upload Me pls me me me me meeeee-1553603986
Dismantle Get with first blueprint -
Pen Blueprint Farmer when Market is built -
Hut Blueprint Ice Island, Summit 1BP
Dock Blueprint Shady Salesman 25k
Storehouse Blueprint Shady Salesman, Divider Island 7.5k
Warehouse Blueprint Created at Blueprint Printer, Shady Salesman 3BP
Barn Blueprint Shady Salesman, Undeveloped Island 10k
Kitchen Blueprint Shady Salesman, Fire Cave 10k
Smelter Blueprint Shady Salesman 10k
Workshop Blueprint Shady Salesman 10k
Laboratory Blueprint Eastern Island, Leech Maze, Divider Island, given by Alchemist after bombardment (if he is alive), in a Spirit Chest on Mars -
Elevator Blueprint Mechanic, Water Cave (Sunset Haven), created in Blueprint Printer 2BP
Power Plant Blueprint Lurker, reward for fixing Sunset Haven's Power Plant in the full game 25k
Nuclear Plant Blueprint Divider Island Warehouse, created at Blueprint Printer 4BP
Teleportal Blueprint
Teleportal Blueprint Mechanic after defeating pirates and unlocking advanced lab -
House Kitchen Blueprint Mechanic, after the Water Cave quest -
House Blueprint Mechanic, after the Water Cave quest -
Kitchen Upgrade Shady Salesman, Minotaur Labyrinth 25k
Wyrm Pen Blueprint Eastern Island, Leech Maze, Divider Island, given by Alchemist after bombardment (if he is alive), in a Spirit Chest on Mars -
Factory Blueprint Mechanic, created at Blueprint Printer 2BP
Airport Blueprint Get from the Mirrows after finding High-Tech Parts 3BP
Surgery Lab Blueprint Divider Island, bought from the Mirrows, given by Mirrows after inviting them onboard the Mobile Lab 10k
Factory Upgrade Get from the Mechanic after the Water Cave quest 3BP
Advanced Lab Blueprint Mechanic after unlocking the Advanced Lab, created at Blueprint Printer 5BP
Electric Lamp Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, created at Blueprint Printer 5k or 2BP
O2 Generator Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, created at Blueprint Printer 5k or 2BP
Bunker Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Mysterious Ores" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 7.5k or 3BP
Bunker Depot Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Mysterious Ores" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 7.5k or 3BP
Bunker Kitchen Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Mysterious Ores" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 7.5k or 3BP
Hydroponics Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Mysterious Ores" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 7.5k or 3BP
Bunker Farm Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Mysterious Ores" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 10k or 4BP
Bunker Factory Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Mysterious Ores" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 10k or 4BP
Sub Pen Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, created at Blueprint Printer, Divider Island maze 10k or 4BP
Vending Machine Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, in chest near the Vending Machine on Earth 10k or 4BP
Powerline Blueprint Shady Salesman, Created at Blueprint Printer 25k or 2BP
Blueprint Printer Blueprint Created at Blueprint Printer 4BP
Polymer Assembler Created at Blueprint Printer 4BP
Drone Factory Blueprint Created at Blueprint Printer 6BP
Connector Module Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, created at Blueprint Printer 10k or 4BP
Large Module Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Exotic Matter" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 10k or 4BP
Small Module Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Exotic Matter" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 10kor 4BP
X-Large Module Blueprint Created at Blueprint Printer 4BP
Ship Dock Blueprint Bought from the Mirrows, given by the Ore Merchant after "Exotic Matter" quest, created at Blueprint Printer 15k or 6BP
Shooter Arcade Blueprint Created at Blueprint Printer 3BP
Platformer Arcade Blueprint Created at Blueprint Printer 3BP
Teleportal Blueprint
Interstellar Teleportal B.P. Created at Research Lab 1000 time
Particle Accelerator B.P. Created at Research Lab 1000 time
Terraformer Blueprint Created at blueprint printer after being rescued by the colonists 8BP
Exo Factory Blueprint Created at blueprint printer after being rescued by the colonists 8BP
Cafeteria Blueprint Created at blueprint printer after being rescued by the colonists 6BP
Weapon Market Blueprint Created at blueprint printer after being rescued by the colonists 6BP
Mineral Market Blueprint Created at blueprint printer after being rescued by the colonists 6BP
Space House Blueprint Given by CaptAIn after choosing a new homeworld for humanity -
Drone Factory Upgrade Given by CaptAIn after completing the "Exo Factory" quest -